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Millom Infant School

Every child a learner, we all learn together


Our Vision:


At Millom Infant School, we are committed to delivering a high-quality computing education which equips children to understand the digital world by using computational thinking and creativity. By the time children leave our school we want every child to have the knowledge to be able to thrive in an ever-increasing digital world. We want our children to understand the core of computing and begin to express themselves and develop their own ideas through information and communication technology.


Our Aims:


We aim for our children to be creative and use a range of technology to create their own digital content. We want them to have the confidence and understanding to work on programmes to create algorithms and represent data. Children should be able to solve problems, understand computational terms and use different strategies whilst using technology. We inspire for all our children to use their appliances safely and have a strong understanding of technology’s benefits and downfalls, whilst ensuring they have the skills to navigate this increasingly digital world.


Early Years:


In Early Years, computing is embedded within the Early-years foundation stage framework. Technology helps children to make sense of the world around them and their life experiences. It is essential for our children to begin learning about technology at this age due to the important role technology has in the world we live in as well as our children being exposed to this technology both in and out of school and therefore need to know how to stay safe from an early age.


Key Stage 1:


In Key Stage 1, our children build on their knowledge of how to be creative with technology and develop their skills on how to make their own digital content by looking at things such as shapes, stories, lighting, shadows and photography. They also learn the importance of online safety and how to stay safe online. This includes safe sharing of information online, how to report inappropriate behaviour, what to do if something is making them feel uncomfortable and how to search and use the internet effectively and safely to enhance their learning.

