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Millom Infant School

Every child a learner, we all learn together


At Millom Infant School, safeguarding is our number one priority. We are committed to ensuring that all children feel safe and secure and pupil welfare is paramount. In school we have a trained safeguarding team who all have safeguarding responsibilities.


Mrs C. Adams (Designated Safeguard Lead)

Mrs. T. Preston (2nd/Deputy Safeguard Lead)

Mr S. Imison (3rd/Deputy Safeguard Lead/Acting Headteacher)


Mrs. J. Stocks is our safeguarding governor.


Also, all staff that work in our school, have up-to-date safeguard training and are aware that safeguarding is EVERYONES responsibility.  

At Millom Infant School, we follow and adhere to the Cumbria Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures and a direct link to their website is available here: 


Every September, all staff and governors receive the 'keeping children safe in education' booklet and are trained on any updates or developments.  A copy of the current KCSiE booklet is available from the following link.
