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Millom Infant School

Every child a learner, we all learn together

Class 2

Class 2 have had a lovely afternoon painting outside in the sunshine.

 Home Learning - Purple Mash


If there is not a save button, it automatically saves your child's work.


If you come to an activity you are having problems with, move on and try the next question.


Mrs Preston can check your work and will help, if necessary.



Merry Christmas from Class 2

Still image for this video
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Hope you have all had a lovely Summer!  I am looking forward to hearing what you've all been up to and can't wait to see you.


Reception class transferring to Year 1 

Children must enter the school through the door on the back playground.  Access through the gate opposite Lowther Road junction.  Please use this access for collecting your child at 3.00 p.m.  To reduce the amount of visitors in school, a member of staff will be at this door to greet your child and take them into school.  However, if your child is uncertain or distressed we welcome a parent in school until they are settled.


Children can order their dinner at registration.  A menu is available from the School Meals tab on this website but will also be in the classroom to fill in with the teacher.


Children need to wear uniform.


The school will provide all children with their own stationery pack and water bottle to reduce contamination.



Year 1 transferring to Year 2 

Children are to enter the school via the main entrance on the front courtyard.  Please also use this access for collecting your child at 3.00 p.m.


Please see the Class 3 tab for more information.


As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact school by email or telephone.


See you next week!


Mrs Preston.



Hope you are all well!


The final home learning pack will be sent out this Tuesday, which may include a little surprise for you all!


I would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who have been working hard with their children on their learning and school work at home. I have loved seeing what you have all been up to and the daily challenges you have completed. I have loved hearing from many of you through the letters and cards you have posted!


I am very proud of you all for how hard you have all been working at home. I can't wait to see you all in September for a couple of days to say our final goodbyes before you continue your Millom Infant School journey into Year 2 with Mrs Adams!


Have a relaxing and fun summer holidays!


Miss Fagan ☺️

Ronny has been growing some plants.

Elsie riding her new horse

The photos below show how busy Class 2 have been during lockdown.

Esmie ready to celebrate VE day.

Esmie won the Cumbria Fire and Rescue drawing competition!

Travis caught a fish!

Molly celebrating VE day.
